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Facial treatments

Hydrafacial treatment

The Hydrafacial treatment represents the latest technology in deep facial cleansing and hydration. In order for facial skin to be healthy and shiny, it needs regular cleaning and adequate hydration, so this treatment is recommended for all skin types, even the most sensitive.

The treatment is performed in three phases, during which the skin is deeply cleansed of all impurities and prepared for care with the vitamins and minerals it needs. In the first phase, cleaning and exfoliation is performed, which involves removing the thickened layer of skin and dead cells from the face, which allows new, young skin to emerge. Then, as a second step, there is a painless cleaning of the pores and sebum from the face, without manual comedo-expression. The face cleaned in this way is ready for the third and final step, hydration, which is necessary in order to adequately nourish and protect the skin. Hydration involves the application of serums that contain vitamins, peptides, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid and numerous ingredients that will refresh the facial skin and restore its glow.

After the treatment, the skin is completely clean, hydrated, shiny and radiant.


Dermapen, or mesotherapy with microneedles, is a facial treatment with numerous benefits. It represents one of the most modern and effective methods of rejuvenation. It is suitable for treating acneic skin with scars and hyperpigmentation, reduces wrinkles and the aging process, refreshes tired skin and encourages skin regeneration and biorevitalization.

The treatment is performed with a special device, dermapen, which is made of stainless steel and contains a cartridge with microneedles, which create controlled microcracks on the skin. This simultaneously stimulates tissue regeneration and collagen production in a natural way, and enables better absorption of cosmetic preparations and active substances used during the treatment. Using dermapen, the overall quality of the skin is improved, blood circulation and oxygenation are improved, scars are reduced, and the skin is rejuvenated.

Two weeks before the dermapen treatment, it is recommended that the client do a chemical peel, so that the treatment is done on perfectly clean skin. During the procedure itself, a cocktail is first applied to the cleaned skin, and then it is covered with a dermapen. The effects of dermapen are achieved in two ways: by microdamages from the device itself, which stimulate the creation of collagen, and thus the rejuvenation and regeneration of the skin, as well as by the effect of active substances from the cocktail that is applied to the skin. The cocktail contains hyaluronic acid, vitamin complexes, amino acids, peptides, antioxidants, plant extracts, organic silicon, EDTA and many other ingredients that have fantastic effects and are necessary for healthy, glowing skin.
Nakon tretmana na kožu se nanosi maska koja će je umiriti, a zatim krema koja je hidrira, hrani i neguje.

The first results are visible after 2 weeks, and it is advisable to do a series of treatments 10 days apart for the best results.


Mesotherapy is an anti-aging procedure, in which various cocktails are injected into the central layer of the skin or dermis with fine needles.

Mesotherapy uses vitamins, hyaluronic acid, collagen, amino acids, oligoelements, substances to improve circulation and deliver active ingredients to the skin, which give the skin smoothness, elasticity and youthful appearance.
A wide range of mesotherapy cocktails allows us to completely adapt this treatment to the needs of each client.

The number of treatments is recommended depending on the condition of the skin. Ideal results are obtained if we do 3 treatments in a period of 20 days: the first, tenth and twentieth day, which represents the so-called booster dose. After that, a maintenance dose is recommended: from 25 to 35 years at up to 3 months, from 35 to 45 years at 2 to 3 month intervals, from 45 onwards at 1 to 2 months. For people over 50, the treatment can be done once a month.

The treatment deeply nourishes, hydrates, nourishes the facial skin, accelerates circulation, stimulates lymph. After the treatment, the skin is firmer, smoother, tighter and brighter.


Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive, apparatus-based method of facial cleansing, which removes the surface layer of the skin, i.e. dead skin cells, using diamond attachments. At the same time, we perform a vacuum massage with a probe, which stimulates the circulation of the facial skin and lymphatic drainage.

This treatment is the base for all skin texture improvement treatments.

Microdermabrasion can be applied to all skin types. It is used to reduce enlarged pores, correct fine lines and mild hyperpigmentation.
After the treatment, the skin looks cleaner, fresher, healthier.

The complexion is more even, and the skin is brighter and smoother to the touch.

Hygienic facial treatment

Hygienic facial treatment is the basis of all skin care treatments. Comedones are extracted manually.

As part of the treatment, agents are used to shrink pores, soothe and disinfect the skin, as well as its hydration.

With this treatment, we achieve sebum regulation, remove impurities from the face and prepare the skin for further treatments.

Depending on the condition and type of skin, it is recommended to repeat the treatment in a period of one to three months.

Oxygen therapy - Jet Peel

The oxygen treatment is intended for all skin types, and above all for tired and dehydrated skin.

An extremely pleasant treatment, which is performed with the help of an oxygen gun. Oxygen deeply hydrates, detoxifies and strengthens the function of the skin.

After the treatment, the skin looks cleaner, brighter, more elastic and smoother, which achieves the so-called Hollywood glow.

Oxygen has an antioxidant effect, prevents aging of the skin, and with this treatment, the necessary oxygen is compensated for the skin.
